Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Special Session ( AI for Impact: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Social Innovation ) :
1. | Geography of AI in social innovation |
2. | AI across impact domains |
3. | Most leveraged AI capabilities |
4. | The role of gender in AI for social innovation |
5. | The AI ecosystem for social innovation |
6. | Barriers for adopting AI for social innovation |
7. | Benefits of AI in social innovation |
Education Session
Philosophy of Education / History of Education / Sociology of Education / Educational Psychology
/Child Development Psychology /Learning Psychology /Cognitive Psychology/ Social Psychology
/Educational Statistics/ Educational Measurement/Assessment and Evaluation/ Educational
Research Methodology /Curriculum Theory/ Curriculum Design and Evaluation /Teaching
Methods /Educational Media and Technology /Information Technology Education /Distance
Education /Adult Education/ Educational Administration/ Educational Economics /Education Law
/Educational Management /School Administration /School Organization and Management
/Educational Leadership /Education Policy and Development/ Sociology of Education /Human
Resource Development in Education /School Counseling and Psychology
Psychology Session
Abnormal psychology/ Behavioral psychology/ Biological psychology/ Child psychology/ Clinical
psychology/ Cognitive psychology/ Comparative psychology/ Consumer psychology/
Counseling psychology/ Cross-cultural psychology/ Developmental psychology/ Educational
psychology/ Environmental psychology/ Evolutionary psychology/ Experimental psychology
/ Forensic psychology/ Health psychology/ Industrial-organizational psychology/ Legal
psychology/ Neuropsychology/ Occupational health psychology/ Parapsychology/ Personality
psychology/ Positive psychology/ Psycholinguistics/ Psychometrics/ Social psychology
/ Sport psychology/ Transpersonal psychology/ Educational and school psychology.
Society Sessions
Sociology/ Anthropology/ Political Science/ Economics/ Geography/ History/ Law/
Communication Studies/ Cultural Studies/ Demography/ Environmental Studies/ Gender Studies
/ International Relations/ Linguistics/ Philosophy/ Psychology/ Public Administration/ Public
Health/ Social Work / Urban Studies